Home Page of Chris Fermüller
Chris Fermüller
Officially [i.e. in
"Kakanien"] :
Ao.Prof.Dipl.-Ing.Dr.techn. Christian Georg Fermüller
Phone: +43 1 58801 185 43
Fax: +43 1 58801 185 97
Email: chrisf@logic.at
Technische Universität Wien
Favoritenstr. 9/E1852
3. Obergeschoss, Room HB 03 16
Stiege 1 (lila Bereich)
A-1040 Wien, Austria
Office Hours
Monday, 11.00-12.30 a.m., during lecture period;
otherwise by appointment only.
No office hours on January 20.
In urgent cases, write an email to
I am regularly in charge of the following courses;
(I also participate in a number of other courses)
Documents, Publications, Links
The wrong one ....
(... although I enjoyed, e.g., Hermann Fillitz's lectures
on the history of medieval art)
Current Fields of Research
- Formal Models of Reasoning Under Vagueness
- Proof Theory and Proof Search in Non-Classical Logics
- Automated Deduction
- Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
- Logical Methods in Philosophy
- Cambodian cuisine, language and culture ;-)
Membership in current and past projects (Selection)
- Project Title: Modeling Vague Quantifiers in Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (MoVaQu-MFL)
Bilateral FWF/GACR Project No. I1897-N25
Head (of the Austrian team): C. Fermüller
- Project Title:
A Logical Framework for Dialogue Games (LOGFRADIG)
FWF [Austrian Science Foundation] Project no. P25417-G15
Head: C. Fermüller
- Project Title: Game theoretic approaches to many valued logics
Bilateral Co-operation Agreement with the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic (OeAD-WTZ)
Head (of the Austrian team): C. Fermüller
- Project Title: STRUCTURAL -
Structural and computational proof theory
Joint project between TU Vienna,
University of Innsbruck,
Universite Paris Diderotis,
INRIA Saclay/Ile-de-France
FWF [Austrian Science Foundation] Project no. I-603-N18
Project Coordinators: Georg Moser, Michel Parigot
- Project Title:
Logical Models of Reasoning with Vague Information
ESF-LogICCC Project (Austria, Czech Republic, Spain)
Head (`Principal Leader'): C. Fermüller
- Project Title:
Contextualism, supervaluation, and fuzzy logic
Subproject of LoMoReVI (see above)
FWF [Austrian Science Foundation] Project no. I143-G15
Head (`Principal Investigator'): C. Fermüller
- Project Title:
Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Many-valued Logics
Bilateral Co-operation Agreement with Spain ( Accion Integrada )
Head: G. Salzer
- Project Title:
Analytic Systems and Dialogue Games as Semantics of Fuzzy Logics
FWF [Austrian Science Foundation] Project no. P16563-N14
Head: C. Fermüller
- Project Title: Algebraic Foundations and Dialogue Game
Semantics for Fuzzy Logics
Bilateral Co-operation Agreement with Spain (OeAD-WTZ Accion Integrada)
Head (of the Austrian team): C. Fermüller
- Project Title: Automated Model Building for Fuzzy Logic
Bilateral Co-operation Agreement with the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic (OeAD-WTZ)
Head (of the Austrian team): C. Fermüller
- Project Title:
Entscheidungsverfahren und Modelbildung: Fuzzy-Logiken
FWF [Austrian Science Foundation] Project no. P16539-N04
Head: C. Fermüller
- Project Title: Analytic Proof Methods for Fuzzy Logics
Bilateral Co-operation Agreement with Italy (OeAD-WTZ)
Head: C. Fermüller
- Project Title: Automated Model Building with Equality
Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, P11624-MAT
Head: A. Leitsch
- Project title: Beweistheorie und automatisches Beweisen
Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, P10282-MAT:
Head: M. Baaz
- Project Titel: Cut Elimination and Cut Introduction
Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, P11934-MAT
Head: M. Baaz
- Project Title: Generic Decision Procedures for Many-Valued
Bilateral Co-operation Agreement with Spain ( Accion Integrada )
Head: G. Salzer
- Project Title: Gödel Logiken erster Ordnung
Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, P12652-MAT
Project Head: M. Baaz
Sparetime Activities
Too many to be listed here all!
(`Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken öfters die Richtung wechslen kann'
- Francis Picabia)
If someone `out there' shares one of the following more peculiar interests
with me it would be nice to get to know:
- Travelling rough in Asia and South America.
Favorite destinations include:
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Chile, Indonesia, Brazil, Armenia, Georgia
and my (Indonesian) friend's kitchen
- History of cartography :
I am collecting old maps (16th to 19th century) and cartographo-historical literature
(mainly about South-East Asia)
- Collecting curious editions of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
and, of course,
- Reading. My (very personal) list of some favorite novelists
(in no particular order) includes :
Robert Musil, Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, Mario Vargas Llosa,
Heimito von Doderer, Henry James, Vladimir Nabokov, Magritte Duras,
Italo Svevo, Charles Dickens, Adolfo Bioy-Casares, Cees Noteboom,
Ingeborg Bachmann, Pramudya Ananta Toer, Italo Calvino, Javier Marias,
Leo Tolstoi, Iwan Gontscharow, Andrezj Szczypiorski, Franz Kafka, Karl Kraus,
Leo Perutz, Thomas Mann, Joseph Conrad, Iris Murdoch, Albert Drach,
Pankaj Mishra, R. K. Narayan, V. S. Naipaul, Ivo Andric,
Kosztolányi Dezsõ, Ernest Hemingway, Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe,
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Raymond Chandler, James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzgerald,
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, Nagib Machfus, Gustave Flaubert,
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Albert Camus, Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
Joseph Roth, Milan Kundera, Jane Austen, Stefan Zweig,
John Steinbeck, Max Frisch, George Orwell, Graham Greene, Alberto Moravia,
Alessandro Manzoni, Daniel Defoe, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Philip Roth,
José Saramago, Jorge Luis Borges, William Faulkner, Karel Capek,
Iwan S. Turgenjew, .........
(I included a small quiz for you: In fact, two
of the mentioned authors can impossibly be among my
favorite novelists: Do you know who and - in particular - why?)