Chris Fermüller

How my students see me

Officially [i.e. in "Kakanien"] :

Ao.Prof.Dipl.-Ing.Dr.techn. Christian Georg Fermüller


Phone: +43 1 58801 185 43
Fax: +43 1 58801 185 97

Technische Universität Wien
Favoritenstr. 9/E1852
3. Obergeschoss, Room HB 03 16
Stiege 1 (lila Bereich)
A-1040 Wien, Austria

Office Hours

Monday, 11.00-12.30 a.m., during lecture period; otherwise by appointment only.

No office hours on January 20.
In urgent cases, write an email to


I am regularly in charge of the following courses; (I also participate in a number of other courses)

Documents, Publications, Links


The wrong one ....
(... although I enjoyed, e.g., Hermann Fillitz's lectures on the history of medieval art)

Current Fields of Research

Membership in current and past projects (Selection)

Sparetime Activities

Too many to be listed here all! (`Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken öfters die Richtung wechslen kann' - Francis Picabia)

If someone `out there' shares one of the following more peculiar interests with me it would be nice to get to know:
and, of course,